The reading and meaning of the title xxxHOLiC has created some confusion over time. In the original version, as in Italian, "Holic" is written with capital letters except for the "i". The three "x" indicate a relationship or link between several things, and likewise an unknown variable or, more generally, any thing not specified. For those who have read the manga will be clear that the '"Holic" is probably related to the vices and bad habits which affects customers Yuko: in this case, the symbol "x" may be in both directions, both as an indicator of any type of disorder (such as alcoholic, workaholic) and as a reference to the recurring theme in the manga of the bonds that people have with objects. In any case, the suffix-holic in English indicates the dependence or the craze for something.
Kimihiro Watanuki is a boy haunted by monsters and supernatural spirits, mysteriously attracted to him. The creatures are invisible to all except his own, which constitutes an additional burden to bear for the boy. When by chance he ran into a shop that can fulfill the wishes, his life changes radically.
Inside the store meets the beautiful Yuko Ichihara, a witch of many names and with a reputation in the world of the supernatural. The woman went straight to the point: to satisfy the desire for Watanuki to get rid of his ability to see ghosts, a fair price to be paid. Yuko discovers that the boy is a very hard worker in skilled manual jobs, and eventually Watanuki finds himself cleaning the house and do odd tasks for the witch until they have worked long enough for his desires are realized.
After starting his new job, new characters will be increasingly involved in the life of Watanuki, including the girl that has a crush, Himawari Kunogi, and his "rival", Shizuka Domeki. The trio will become more and more united, despite the frequent outbursts against Domeki Watanuki.
Another recurrent theme in the manga is the reason for the growth and change Watanuki, identified in his encounter with a person. According to the opinion presented in the second volume of a fortune-teller, the person in question is Yuko. However, it is hinted that the boy is also related deeply to Domeki and that all their relationships are predestined.